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Central Coast Home Vintners Association

Please registered to save your spot.  We have events throughout the year, they are lots of fun.  All different types: Workshops, Tastings, Dinners meetings, and many others.

Upcoming events

    • July 28, 2024
    • 1:00 PM
    • Beckman Vineyards, 2670 Ontiveros Road, Los Olivos

    Blending Seminar

    JUL 28, 2024@1:00 PM

    Currently only available for Beckmen Vineyard members.

    Sun­day, July 28 at 1pm

    Wine­mak­er, Steve Beck­men, and Assis­tant Wine­mak­er, Rory Bald­win, will host the sem­i­nar in the bar­rel room. You’ll first taste through our cur­rent wine blends and learn how blends are cre­at­ed. You’ll then take on the fun chal­lenge of cre­at­ing your own wine blend using our sin­gle vari­etal bar­rel sam­ples. No pri­or wine­mak­ing expe­ri­ence necessary.

    Wine Club mem­bers are allowed two tick­ets at the mem­ber rate of $60 per per­son. Can­cel­la­tion Notice: Tick­ets will not be refund­ed less than 7 days before the seminar.

    Beckmen Vineyards | Blending Seminar

    • August 02, 2024
    • 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM (PDT)
    • Online

    Lock in your spot for the WineMaker Online Boot Camp.

    WineMaker Magazine’s “Techniques” columnist and Technical Editor Bob Peak will take you step-by-step teaching you live online how to properly test your wine for sulfites, malolactic, acidity, sugar, and pH. You'll have the chance to learn visually how to run these tests on your own wines at home on Friday, August 2 in this live and interactive online workshop from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern.

    Home Wine Lab Skills Online Boot Camp with Bob Peak on Friday, August 2 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. Eastern.  This event is $75.00, register online.

    It’s very difficult to make great wine if you don’t know how to properly and accurately test your wine. WineMaker’s Technical Editor Bob Peak will take you step-by-step online live over three hours teaching you how to properly test your wine for sulfites, malolactic, acidity, sugar, and pH. You’ll have the chance to learn visually how to run these tests on your own wines at home. This workshop will be recorded and as an attendee you will have access to video replays to practice your new skills.

    Your registration includes full access to video replays of this workshop after the event and Bob's presentation slides so even if you can’t join us live for the workshop you can still learn the skills you need to be a better winemaker. Plus, you can rewatch the video as a reference tool to keep learning well after the event is over.

    • August 03, 2024
    • 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM
    • Los Alamos Park, Pavilion A, 500 Drum Canyon Road, Los Alamos

    Looking for Volunteers to support the Summer BBQ Event!

    Volunteers Needed:  BBQ Team, Servers, Set-Up, and Clean-Up crews.

    Please let us know how you can help!

    • August 03, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
    • Los Alamos Park, Pavilion A, 500 Drum Canyon Road, Los Alamos

    Register for the Annual Summer BBQ TODAY!

    We will need the final count by July 30th in order to purchase the food!

    Every August CCHVA members and guests get together for a fun afternoon of barbeque, friendship, raffles, and wine.  This is one our most highly attended events of the year. Bring your wine for a mini wine judging event!

    On the menu is BBQ Steak & Chicken, Beans, Salad and Bread. All this food for only $25 per person, $20 for the no meat option. Vegetarians should consider bringing a vegetarian entrée to share with fellow Veg Heads.  Register Now!

    Members will bring either an appetizer (A-L) or desert (M-Z) to share depending upon the first letter of their last name. You’ll bring wine for the share table, wine for your dinner table, and, if you wish, a bottle of your best wine(s) to enter into the “You Be the Judge” contest. Wine for the contest must be at the table by noon. Members and Guests will then vote for their favorites. We will be awarding Medals in 2 categories: Best Red/Red Blend and Best White/Rose’ wines.

    Volunteers Needed:  BBQ Team, Servers, Set-Up, and Clean-Up crews.

    What to Bring:

    • Appetizer (A-L)
    • Dessert (M-Z)
    • Wine (2-3 bottles)
    • Wine Glass
    • Plates/Dish
    • Eating utensils
    • Lawn Chair

    • August 03, 2024
    • 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM (PDT)
    • Los Alamos Park, Pavilion A, 500 Drum Canyon Road, Los Alamos

  • Copyright @ 2024 Central Coast Home Vintners Association Los Olivos CA

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